Peru, characterized by being a country that facilitates investments in the region, offers various incentives for foreign investments:
- A favorable legal framework that facilitates the installation and growth of investment in Peru, evidenced in the Political Constitution of Peru, Legislative Decree 662 - Regime of Legal Stability for foreign investments, and Legislative Decree 757 - Framework Law for the Growth of Private Investment.
- General sectoral incentives. Such as the Reduction in Income Tax of up to 215% in companies that execute Research, Development, or Innovation (R + D + i) projects (Law 30309); the Special Regime for Early Recovery of the VAT (IGV-RERA); and the Regime of Special Economic Zones, etc.
- Specific Sectoral incentives. Related to tax benefits, for example: Law for the Promotion of Investment in the Amazon; Law for the Promotion of development of productive activities in high Andean areas; and Law on the Agrarian Labor Regime and Incentives for the Agricultural and Irrigation, Agricultural export, and Agricultural Industries.
It consists of the return of the VAT transferred or paid in import operations and / or local acquisition of intermediate goods, capital, services, and construction contracts that are used directly in the execution of the Investment Commitment of a Project that is in a pre-operational stage equal to or greater than two years (for investment commitments not less than USD 5 million before VAT; in the agriculture industry there is NO minimum investment commitment). As of 2020, a total of 208 projects benefited from this incentive, with a joint investment commitment of USD 49,950 million.
Source: ProInversión, 2022
The Peruvian economy GDP grew 13.3 % in 2021, positioning itself as the economy with the highest growth in the region.
Source: National Institute of Statistics and Informatics, 2022; Central Reserve Bank of Peru, 2022
Peru's GDP per capita was S/ 16,667.3 (USD 4,295.7) in 2021, representing a growth of 11.9% over 2020.
Note: The average 2021 exchange rate was taken.
Source: Central Reserve Bank of Peru, 2022
Inflation rate forecasted for 2022 is 3.6% and for 2023 is 2.1%; with this last value it would return to the range of the Central Bank's inflation targeting scheme. Also, in February 2022, Peru positioned itself as the country with the lowest inflation rate in the region, maintaining the trend of recent decades.
Source: Central Reserve Bank of Peru, 2022
In the last ten years (2012-2021), Peru received USD 71.71 billion in FDI inflows. Following the impact of COVID-19 in 2020, there was a strong recovery of 350% in FDI flows during 2021.
Source: Central Reserve Bank of Peru, 2021
In 2021, the maximum historical value of exports was recorded, reaching a total of USD 56.2 billion (an annual increase of 34%) through the export of 4,805 distinct products. Likewise, Peru is positioned as a world and regional leader in various products with added value.
Source: Peru Export Results 2021 - PROMPERÚ, 2022
The time to set up a company in Peru could depend on its nature. However, it is important to consider that, regionally, Peru ranks first in the time it takes to register a business property, being only 7.5 days, while the average in the region is 41.5 days. Likewise, Peru ranks fourth in the region in having the lowest number of procedures required to register a company.
Source: fDi Benchmark, 2021
Regionally, Peru is ranked as a country with a favorable environment to do business, as evidenced next:
- Second most competitive country in labor costs for the establishment of various plants and facilities related to sectors such as: tourism, manufacturing, forestry, and textiles, etc.;
- Second best international reputation in the region, measured through the Reputation Country RepTrak 2021.
- A safe environment for investments, Peru remains the second country with the best credit classification in the region and consolidates itself as the strongest economy in the region according to Bloomberg.
- Entrepreneurial attitude for business, fourth place worldwide in the confidence on their own capabilities of Peruvian entrepreneurs and fifth place in the region, standing out in the networking and development of innovative products in Peru.
Source: fDi Benchmark (2022), RepTrack (2021), Ministry of Economy and Finance of Peru (2022), Diario El Comercio (2022), GEI (2019), GEM (2019)
Employment nationwide recorded a growth of 16.9% in the third quarter of 2021 compared to the similar one of 2020, approaching more to the pre-pandemic levels. Likewise, Peru has achieved important recognitions on its performance and human capital:
- It ranked 56th (higher than Mexico and Brazil) of the World Talent Index 2019, highlighting its improvement in the "investment and development" factor that refers to the size of public investment in education incorporating public spending indicators, etc.
- It ranked fourth in the region of the English proficiency index in 2021, positioning itself within the group of countries of the region with high dominance.
For Metropolitan Lima, in the mobile quarter Dec 21-Feb22, the Employed Economically Active Population (EAP) grew 15.2% compared to the same quarter of 2020. Likewise, 40.8% of it with higher education.
Source: Diario El Peruano (January 2022), CENTRUM (2019), EF English Proficiency Index (2021), INEI - Permanent Employment Survey (March 2022).